Monday, June 14, 2010

Summer Update

Summer is leering. I'm well into my capris and tees and can't shake the looming inevitability of shorts/swim suit season. Jeff lives for pool parties and fun in the sun, and why shouldn't he? He's six feet, two inches of lean, sun-tannable man candy. I, however, long for a chilly winter night, my frighteningly pale love handles concealed comfortably beneath the thick elastic waist band of my favorite green sweatpants. Summer isn't all bad I suppose. I do look forward to long days, BBQs, and vacations. We have quite a bit planned for the next couple months. This is (dun dun dun) The Summer Update!

I was fortunate enough to score a summer position with the high school district. Jeff, however, was not, so he is spending his days cleaning and doing laundry while I go off to work. I'm still at Ridgeview in the special ed department. For the next five weeks, I'm working with a blind student in his algebra 1 class. It's challenging, but I couldn't have asked for a better kid to work with.

Next weekend, we're headed up north to Santa Clara for our niece, Josie's, 7th birthday party.

Its a princess party (isn't she an angel?), and my mother-in-law just put the finishing touches on my super-awesome custom-made fairy costume. Pictures soon to follow.

In early July, our nephew, Jason, will be visiting which means we'll be spending lots of extra time at the river with Lucy (our black lab).

Towards end of July, we're taking off for a week to Atlanta, Georgia for DCI (Drum Corp International) regionals (+500 nerd points). We'll also be visiting some of Jeff's southern family members. This is my first trip ever to the south. I'm super excited, and seriously hoping the humidity is not as bad as everyone says it is.

You have now been officially updated. Have a great summer, don't forget to use sunscreen, and ladies, if you see my gorgeous husband lounging shirtless by the pool sipping a Mountain Dew, avert your eyes. That sexy beast is MINE!

1 comment:

  1. July will probably be the WORST time to go to Georgia. However, it does rain A LOT and that will be the awesome part. Everything will be green green green! :) You will probably sweat in places you didn't know could sweat, and your hair will do things you didn't know if could do. However, your skin will thank you! :) I hope you have fun and make sure to wear your bug repellent. <3
