Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bow Chicka Bow Wow

Jeff and I spent the better part of today helping our friends move into their awesome new house. This made me realize how much I hate renting. I can paint, replace fixtures, and garden, but at the end if of the day, this well-decorated craphole still isn't mine. (Not that this would be my craphole of choice if I were, in fact, in the market for a home) This year, I'm asking Santa for real estate.

Now I just have to work on making the nice list.

Speaking of the nice list, my sister took me to see a comedian tonight who is most definitely NOT on it. Daniel Tosh. This guy is messed up in the head. My favorite statement of the whole night:

"Ladies, if you're not beautiful, it's okay. Don't spend your life denying it. Just face the fact that you're going to have to get through life the same way a man does: with hard work."

Fortunately I don't have to worry about that. Jeff thinks I'm pretty and doesn't want me to lift a finger. Seriously. When I got home from my night on the town, he'd cleaned the house from top to bottom. Most guys would be like, "Hey my wife's out for the night! I'm gonna have the guys over, drink beer, and watch sports!", but not my man. He decided to use his time wisely to score some major points which (judging from the fact that its almost midnight and the shower is running), he is about to cash in. Night, y'all! ;-)


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